Expedeon Bradford Ultra

Bradford Protein Quantification Kit Bradford

20202ES76 500T(125ml)
EUR 135

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the expedeon bradford ultra reagents distributed by Genprice. The Expedeon Bradford Ultra reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Expedeon. Other Expedeon products are available in stock. Specificity: Expedeon Category: Bradford Group: Ultra

Bradford Dye Reagent

100 ml
EUR 157.2

ClearBand Bradford Reagent

500 ml
EUR 36.3
Description: ClearBand Bradford Reagent is formulated for a ready-to-use total protein analysis reagent used for quick measurement of total protein concentration. ClearBand Bradford Reagent contains Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250, which associates with basic and aromatic amino acids, thus leading to a shift in absorbance during protein determination.ClearBand Bradford Reagent offer an easy-to-use assay in either test tube or microplate format: mix protein sample with the assay reagent, incubate shortly and measure the absorbance at 595nm. Color response with Coomassie is non-linear with increasing protein concentration, therefore, a standard curve must be created with each assay.

5X Bradford Reagent

1 unit
EUR 23
Description: 5X Bradford Reagent

Mouse IgG (H + L) Ultra Pure

1 mg
EUR 117
Description: Highly purified Mouse IgG (H + L) for use as a control or blocking reagent

Goat ultra purified IgG (1 mg)

1 mg
EUR 143

Mouse ultra purified IgG (1 mg)

1 mg
EUR 165

Rabbit ultra purified IgG (1 mg)

1 mg
EUR 165

Ultra information

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

DLSM0250 500 Assays
EUR 126
Description: Detection and Quantification of Protein Concentration.

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

EZPQ02-500T 500T
EUR 9.6

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

EZPQ02-1000T 1000T
EUR 13.2

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

EZPQ02-2500T 2500T
EUR 29.4

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

K4103-1000 1000T
EUR 64
Description: Protein & Immunology|Protein quantification kits

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

K4103-500 500T
EUR 40
Description: Protein & Immunology|Protein quantification kits

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

MBS355526-1000Tests 1000Tests
EUR 200

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

MBS355526-5x1000Tests 5x1000Tests
EUR 870

BradFord Protein Assay Kit

MBS7608269-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

MBS826734-500Assays 500Assays
EUR 140

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

MBS826734-5x500Assays 5x500Assays
EUR 550

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

SK3031 1000Assays, 1000preps
EUR 89.23

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

RDSM250 500 Assays
EUR 52.5
Description: Detection and Quantification of Protein Concentration.

Bradford Protein Assay Kit

Z5030028 500 assays
EUR 529.13

Bradford Reagent for Proteins

19219 100 ml
EUR 3.83
Description: Part B

Bradford Protein Quantification Kit

E111-01 500 rxn
EUR 158.4

Bradford Protein Quantification Kit

E111-02 1000 rxn
EUR 188.4